Education has become much more valuable to society, as well as more available. It provides the foundation for success in many individuals. Nearly every job or career requires some type of education, whether it would be a high school diploma or a college degree in the particular field. The higher the education, the more likely it will be to obtain the desired career. Professions that require some sort of degree also tend to be more secure and have a higher pay rate. Education once was offered only to white men, leaving women and anyone not considered "white" without the opportunity to become more successful in life. I feel that because of this more people now are inclined to continue their schooling and get a higher degree. People used to follow in their parents footsteps without question. The more fortunate people - "the rich" were the ones who would be able to receive a higher education. Since so many people were less educated they would be considered a step behind in today's society. Therefore, every parent strives to give higher education to their children and sends them to prestigious schools no matter how expensive it is. Or maybe they even send them to other high developed countries to make them study there and earn higher degree of education. Of course it helps them gain a higher degree diploma, makes the person more intellectually stimulating, and develops the personal growth contribution to the social and economic development of society and ensuring to have a good career or future jobs. In my country a good knowledge of English and high education diploma are greatly valued. And the person who have graduated from foreign developed countries get higher position at organization or company and get paid at higher salary. For two years, I have been working in IT Solution Company as a Foreign Relation Manager translating all required documents/contracts and having contacts with our foreign suppliers. However, I have always feeling that my education and English is not sufficient for my position. Therefore, I came to USA to get higher education and to be able to meet all requirements for obtaining my desired career and feel confident about myself no matter how it is expensive to me and my family. I believe, my desired education in USA will greatly change my future and I will have great success in my life.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Chapter 12 -Significance of Education
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